Mastering Laravel Dusk: Best Practices for Efficient Browser Testing

Ravi Rajyaguru

Mastering Laravel Dusk Best Practices for Efficient Browser Testing


Laravel Dusk, an elegant and easy-to-use browser automation and testing tool, has gained significant popularity among Laravel developers. With its intuitive syntax and powerful features, Dusk simplifies the process of writing browser tests for your Laravel applications. However, to harness the full potential of Dusk, it’s essential to follow best practices that ensure efficient and reliable testing. In this article, we’ll delve into the Laravel Dusk best practices that will help you write robust and maintainable browser tests.

Setting Up Your Dusk Environment

Install Laravel Dusk

To begin using Laravel Dusk, you need to install it as a development dependency in your Laravel application. Follow these steps to install Dusk:

  1. Open your terminal and navigate to the root directory of your Laravel project.
  2. Run the following command to install Dusk:
composer require --dev laravel/dusk
  1. After the installation, run the following command to publish the Dusk configuration file:
php artisan dusk:install

Configure Your Environment

Once Dusk is installed, you need to configure your environment for running browser tests. Update your .env file with the following settings:


Running Dusk Tests

To run your Dusk tests, you can use the following command:

php artisan dusk

This command will execute all the Dusk tests located in the tests/Browser directory of your Laravel project.

Writing Effective Dusk Tests

Organizing Test Suites

When writing Dusk tests, it’s crucial to organize them into logical test suites. Test suites help you group related tests together, making it easier to manage and maintain your test suite structure. Laravel Dusk provides a convenient way to define test suites using the Browser::group method. Here’s an example:

Browser::group('Authentication', function ($browser) {
    $browser->test('User can log in', function ($browser) {
        // Test code goes here

    $browser->test('User can register', function ($browser) {
        // Test code goes here

Test Naming Conventions

Choosing meaningful and descriptive names for your Dusk tests is essential for clarity and maintainability. A good practice is to follow the Arrange-Act-Assert pattern when naming your tests. This pattern helps structure your tests into three distinct phases:

  • Arrange: Set up the necessary preconditions for the test.
  • Act: Perform the action you want to test.
  • Assert: Verify the expected outcomes of the action.

By following this pattern, your test names become self-explanatory and provide valuable insights into what each test does. Here’s an example:

$browser->test('User can add item to cart', function ($browser) {
    // Arrange
    // ...

    // Act
    // ...

    // Assert
    // ...

Using Assertions and Selectors

Laravel Dusk provides a wide range of assertions and selectors to interact with your application’s UI elements. Leveraging these features can significantly simplify your test code and make it more readable. Here are some commonly used assertions and selectors:

  • $browser->assertVisible('selector'): Assert that the element identified by the given CSS selector is visible on the page.
  • $browser->assertSee('text'): Assert that the given text is present on the page.
  • $browser->type('selector', 'text'): Enter the specified text into the input field identified by the given CSS selector.
  • $browser->press('button'): Simulate a click on the button with the specified text or CSS selector.

By using these assertions and selectors effectively, you can write concise and expressive Dusk tests.

Handling Asynchronous Operations

Waiting for Elements

In browser testing, it’s common to encounter scenarios where certain elements on the page are loaded asynchronously. To ensure the test waits for these elements to appear, you can use the waitFor method provided by Laravel Dusk. This method allows you to wait for specific elements to become visible or available before proceeding with the test. For example:


In the above code snippet, the test waits until the element with the class “modal” becomes visible before asserting its visibility.

Handling JavaScript Promises

Sometimes, your application’s UI interactions involve JavaScript promises, such as AJAX requests or animations. To handle such scenarios in your Dusk tests, you can use the waitFor method along with the @resolved directive. The @resolved directive waits for JavaScript promises to resolve before executing the next line of code. Here’s an example:


In the above code snippet, the test waits for the AJAX request to complete and the JavaScript promise to resolve before asserting the presence of the “Success” message. The subsequent waitUntil directive waits until all JavaScript promises are resolved before asserting the presence of the “Completed” message.

Using Dusk Helpers and Custom Macros

Leveraging Dusk Helpers

Laravel Dusk provides a set of useful helper methods that simplify common testing tasks. These helpers allow you to perform actions like clicking links, submitting forms, interacting with cookies, and more. By utilizing these helpers, you can write cleaner and more readable Dusk tests. Here are a few examples:

  • $browser->clickLink('text'): Click a link with the specified text.
  • $browser->submitForm('form-selector', ['input-name' => 'value']): Submit a form with the given selector and input values.
  • $browser->cookie('name', 'value'): Set a cookie with the specified name and value.

Be sure to explore the Laravel Dusk documentation to discover the full range of available helpers.

Creating Custom Macros

In addition to Dusk’s built-in helpers, you can create your own custom macros to encapsulate frequently performed actions in your tests. Macros allow you to extend the functionality of the $browser object and make your test code more expressive. Here’s an example of creating a custom macro:

Browser::macro('login', function ($user) {
         ->type('@email', $user->email)
         ->type('@password', 'password')

In the above code snippet, we define a login macro that simplifies the login process by accepting a user object and performing the necessary actions. You can then use this macro in your tests like this:

$browser->login($user)->assertSee('Welcome, '.$user->name);

Custom macros provide a convenient way to encapsulate complex interactions and improve the readability of your Dusk tests.

Managing Test Data

Seeding the Database

When writing Dusk tests, it’s often necessary to set up specific data in your application’s database to simulate different scenarios. Laravel provides a powerful database seeding feature that allows you to populate your database with test data. By defining seeders, you can create test-specific data that matches your desired test conditions. To seed the database before running Dusk tests, you can use the following command:

php artisan dusk --seed

This command runs the database seeder along with your Dusk tests, ensuring that the required test data is available.

Using Factories

In addition to seeding the database, Laravel also provides a convenient way to generate test data using factories. Factories allow you to define blueprints for creating model instances with fake data. By using factories in your Dusk tests, you can quickly generate test data and ensure consistent data structure across your tests. Here’s an example of using factories in a Dusk test:

$users = factory(User::class, 3)->create();


In the above code snippet, we use the factory function to create three user instances. We then log in as the first user and assert that their name is visible on the dashboard page while the names of the other two users are not.

Resetting Database State

To ensure a clean and consistent state before running Dusk tests, it’s crucial to reset the database between tests. Laravel Dusk provides a refreshDatabase method that you can call within your test code to reset the database. By using this method, you can isolate each test and avoid interference from previous test runs. Here’s an example:

public function testExample()

    // Test code goes here

By incorporating database resetting into your Dusk tests, you can maintain a controlled environment for each test execution.

Handling Test Dependencies

Isolating Tests

In some cases, you may need to isolate your Dusk tests from external dependencies, such as external APIs or services. Isolating tests helps ensure that your tests are reliable and independent of external factors. Laravel Dusk provides a withoutMixin method that allows you to exclude specific mixins from your tests. Mixins are reusable test code snippets that can be shared across multiple tests. By excluding certain mixins, you can isolate your tests and focus on testing your application’s core functionality. Here’s an example:

public function testExample()

    // Test code goes here

In the above code snippet, we exclude the SomeMixin from the test to isolate it from its dependencies.

Using Database Transactions

Laravel Dusk provides support for database transactions during test execution. Database transactions help maintain a consistent state between tests by rolling back any changes made during the test. This approach ensures that each test starts with a clean database and avoids potential interference between tests. By default, Laravel Dusk wraps each test in a database transaction, eliminating the need for manual cleanup. However, if you have tests that span multiple requests or transactions, you can use the $this->beginDatabaseTransaction and $this->rollbackDatabase methods to manage the transactions explicitly.

Mocking External Services

To further isolate your Dusk tests, you can mock external services or APIs that your application interacts with. Mocking allows you to simulate responses from these services and control the test environment. Laravel provides a built-in mocking feature called “mockery” that simplifies the process of creating mock objects. By creating mock objects for external services, you can control their behavior and focus on testing your application’s interactions with them. Here’s an example:

    '*' => Http::response(['foo' => 'bar'], 200),

In the above code snippet, we use Laravel’s Http::fake method to mock API responses from This allows us to simulate different scenarios and test our application’s behavior when interacting with the external API.

Best Practices for Optimizing Dusk Tests

Parallelizing Dusk Tests

To speed up the execution of your Dusk tests, you can parallelize them to run concurrently. Laravel Dusk provides a --parallel option that allows you to run multiple Dusk processes simultaneously. By leveraging parallel execution, you can significantly reduce the overall execution time of your test suite. Here’s an example command to run Dusk tests in parallel:

php artisan dusk --parallel=3

In the above command, we run the Dusk tests using three parallel processes. Adjust the number of parallel processes based on your system’s capabilities to achieve optimal performance.

Handling Intermittent Failures

In some cases, Dusk tests may fail intermittently due to various factors, such as network latency or timing issues. To handle such failures, it’s essential to implement retry mechanisms in your tests. Laravel Dusk provides a retry method that allows you to automatically retry a test a specified number of times before considering it a failure. Here’s an example:


In the above code snippet, the test will be retried up to three times if the assertion fails. This helps mitigate intermittent failures and improves the reliability of your Dusk tests.

Optimizing Test Execution Time

As your test suite grows, it’s crucial to optimize the execution time of your Dusk tests. Slow tests can significantly impact the development workflow and hinder productivity. Here are some best practices for optimizing the execution time of your Dusk tests:

  • Use selective test execution: Rather than running the entire test suite, selectively run tests that are affected by the changes you’ve made. This reduces unnecessary test execution and speeds up feedback cycles.
  • Minimize unnecessary interactions: Avoid unnecessary interactions with external services or APIs during test execution. Mock or stub these interactions whenever possible to reduce test dependencies and execution time.
  • Leverage parallel execution: As mentioned earlier, parallelize your Dusk tests to take advantage of concurrent execution. This distributes the workload across multiple processes and improves overall test execution time.
  • Optimize test setup and teardown: Pay attention to the setup and teardown process of your tests. Minimize database seeding and other resource-intensive operations to reduce test execution time.

By following these best practices, you can optimize the execution time of your Dusk tests and create a more efficient testing workflow.


Laravel Dusk is a powerful tool for browser testing your Laravel applications. By following best practices such as using fluent assertions, handling asynchronous operations, leveraging Dusk helpers and custom macros, and managing test data, you can write efficient and reliable Dusk tests. Remember to optimize test execution by parallelizing tests, handling intermittent failures, and minimizing unnecessary interactions. With these best practices in place, you can ensure that your Dusk tests provide valuable feedback and maintain the quality of your Laravel applications.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Can I run Dusk tests in headless mode?

Yes, you can run Dusk tests in headless mode. Laravel Dusk provides the DUSK_HEADLESS_DISABLED configuration option, which you can set to true in your .env file. This will run your Dusk tests in headless mode, where the browser window is not visible during test execution.

How can I parallelize my Dusk tests?

To parallelize your Dusk tests, you can use the --parallel option when running the php artisan dusk command. For example, php artisan dusk --parallel=3 will run your Dusk tests using three parallel processes. Adjust the number of parallel processes based on your system’s capabilities.

How can I debug failing Dusk tests?

When a Dusk test fails, you can use Laravel’s built-in logging and debugging features to investigate the issue. You can add logging statements using Laravel’s Log facade or use the dd function to dump variables and debug information during test execution. Additionally, you can enable the --debug option when running the php artisan dusk command to pause the browser at the first failing assertion, allowing you to inspect the page state.

Can I use Dusk for API testing?

Laravel Dusk is primarily designed for browser testing, but it can also be used for basic API testing. Dusk provides methods to make HTTP requests and assert the responses. However, for more advanced API testing scenarios, it’s recommended to use Laravel’s dedicated testing framework, such as PHPUnit, along with Laravel’s testing utilities.

Are Dusk tests suitable for unit testing?

No, Dusk tests are not intended for unit testing. Dusk is specifically designed for browser testing and provides a higher-level interface to interact with your application’s UI. For unit testing, it’s best to use Laravel’s built-in testing tools, such as PHPUnit, along with Laravel’s testing utilities.

How can I generate code coverage reports for my Dusk tests?

To generate code coverage reports for your Dusk tests, you can use tools like PHPUnit’s --coverage-html option. By running the php artisan dusk command with the --coverage-html option, you can generate HTML reports that show the code coverage of your Dusk tests.

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